Saturday, March 23, 2013


Another bib for my collection

So the other day I rambled on about how slow I am. Today can we talk about how FAST I am? I so rock! Can you do the happy dance and type? Just how embarrassed are my children going to be when all I can say to everyone for the next 48 hours is. “I PR’d this weekend” “I killed my run” “I shaved 2 minutes off my time”

If you couldn’t tell I killed my 5k today, shaving 2 minutes off my personal record. Which means I finally ran UNDER 40 minutes. Now I do realize by Olympic standards I am still slow. But by my standard, I am AWESOME!!

I know that I will be riding a high on this for the rest of the weekend. Maybe I won’t tell everyone I see. But I will post it and blog about it. And if anyone asks what I did this weekend, I say fair game.

Recovery yum!
I did something I have never done before. I exceeded my limits. I say that is worth bragging about. I know my bib must come off. But is it bad form to stay in my tights and skirt? What is the etiquette for running gear in public when the race is over?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Virtual Runs

When you first start running all the beginner articles and books tell you to sign up for a race. Give yourself a goal, something to aspire to. Good advice, goals are important.

I seem to bail on myself a lot. If time is short and I have to choose between doing for me or doing for someone else... I get stood up. Sure fire way to stick to running? Run for charity. Race for charity. Good plan.

So I have a goal, I have a plan. I will run at least one race a month every month for 2013. I will run every local Empire Cup race I am in town for. I will donate $1 a mile for every mile raced to Stand Up 2 Cancer.

I live in Alaska, racing isn't big here in January or February. Nordic skiing is, but I am so not coordinated enough. Maybe I will share my nordictrak accident one day, but probably not. So what to do?

Virtual Runs to the rescue. Some have a nominal fee, I always choose the ones where a portion goes to charity, if there is a medal too....... I am so there. There are also the free ones, 5kAnywhere anyone? I think these virtual runs may be slightly addictive.   I have 3 on my plate over the next month, not to mention the local runs. This weekend I am running the 2nd Annual Anywhere5k and the Bunny Hop 10k, there is still time to register for either one. Both sites have more runs coming up too.

I am finding my race calendar is filling up fast. The next two months have me racing every weekend. I think I might have doubled up a couple too. I am going to need more room for my bibs and bling.
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the run!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Diary entry of a slow runner

I am a tortoise. Yep, that's me, old slow and carrying extra baggage.

I seem to be having my nose rubbed in my slowness lately. First, coming in last at the race last week. This week the track runners sprinting past me. The walkers haven't lapped me... yet, but I am sure some have gotten close. It is hard not to feel a little demoralized.

Here I am running regularly since November, with a pace I would be embarrassed to post for any runner to see. I have not lost a stinking ounce, despite cleaning up my diet and watching my portions. Despite my best efforts my last set of labs were worse than the previous and I am spend more time at the doctor than I do at the salon. Ugh! Enough to make a person grumpy.

I watch a little longer... one of those runners that beat me in the race ran a mile less than I did. She only beat me my a few seconds. So maybe if we ran the same race I could have beat her. The gaggle pushing past me at the track? They need regular water and walk breaks, I can run an hour without stopping. Drink on the run.  The lady sprinter? She is awesome for a lap, then she huffs and puff walking for 5.

There are those that out run me, not going to lie. But it is nice to know that there are a few hares out there too. I am doing better than I realize at first. Will the weight loss come? Will the doctor visits slow? I don't know. But I know today, I am good with how I run. I don't suck as much as I originally thought.

Don't get me wrong, I want to be faster. I want to be hare fast. But I am perfectly happy with slow if it means every step is a run. I am still going forward. And yesterday... I was faster.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Topless Inspiration

I remember going on vacation out of the country I went to the beach with my book. Everywhere was your typical beach activity. I saw this woman a little less in shape than me soaking up the sun, chatting with friends, enjoying the day.  I envied her. I was surprised to find of all the beach bunnies jealous of her. I didn't think she was too fat to be topless, which is exactly what I think of myself. I thought damn, I wish I were that comfortable in my own skin. She was slightly manish, but she was beautiful in her confidence and comfort.

I took my top off that day. I don't know that the sun has ever felt that amazing. It was also the day that planted a seed to start running. We never spoke, I doubt she even noticed me. But she started a change in me I will always be grateful for. I didn't start running right after that. But whenever I felt less, I would think back to her. To the courage she gave me. To the way it felt to lay out in the sun on a public beach.

Since I have started running I have been getting feedback from people. I get odd looks and some sneers from people as they pass me, generally sitting in a vehicle. But in general the feedback is positive, there is even a little awe and admiration. At first that made me very uncomfortable, always waiting for that back hand or the punch line. Then it dawned on me, I am doing something pretty damn amazing. Now I am that woman on the beach.

It is so easy to make excuses not to do things when you are not ideal. Like not sunbathing topless because you are not a supermodel. Or not running because you are not a born athlete. But when an average Joe or Jane is out there doing what we are too scared to try.... that is awesome, that is inspiring.

I hear excuses from loved ones all the time about why they can't or won't ever run. Sometimes I want to call them out on it. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. What matters is how it feels, and it feels amazing once you get past the initial shock of doing it. Once you stop thinking about all the reasons you shouldn't do it, and embrace the sun.

I can't run because...
               My knees - Actually studies have shown running slows the progression of arthritis. Maybe bare foot running is out, although I haven't given up the fantasy yet.
               No time - You forgot we are friends on facebook. I know you spend hours catching up on tv shows you never heard of til you saw it on someone else post about it.
               Too out of shape - how do you propose to fix that on the sofa? The C25K program is available in app form now, you wouldn't even have to put down the iphone.

 I would never run because...
               Not athletic - How long have we known each other? I trip over lint. When athletically challenged finally makes the dictionary, my picture will be right there.
               No clowns chasing me - I can borrow Ivan's big shoes, my nose turns red in the cold, I would love to wear a flower that squirts lemonade. I will chase you, all you had to do was ask.
               Too hard - So is blood sugar monitoring and insulin shots. Heart attacks are tough too. Ectomies and chemo can be a real bitch I hear.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Flannagan's Run

Starting Line!

It was a cold morning, the temp at my house was a balmy 15⁰, but at least it wasn’t snowing. I ate pizza last night so my carbs were loaded. Ok, I know for a 5 mile run carbo loading isn’t needed. But hey, any justification for pizza.

I tried to loosen up and get ready. But mornings for me, they really aren’t my friend. I didn’t take my torsemide, last thing I needed was to need to pee mid-way through. My house is next door to the glacier so it tends to be one of the colder places to be. Luckily the race was in Douglas, one of the warmer, so it was 31⁰. Even better fortune, there was no wind!

The last time I ran this race 4 years ago it was a third up hill and a third down. With the fresh snow fall yesterday, I was really nervous. They changed the course this year, whether because of the fresh snowfall or something else I don’t know. I can say at first I was happy.

I walked several laps around the block to warm up. I can’t say it worked terrible well. But I wasn’t frozen either. So it worked some.

Got my toe up to the back of the pack and started off. I ran down the street and back toward the beach, still no wind thankfully. Back into the woods, down the trail and up the hill. Three loops through the woods up the hill. Then back to the finish line. I ran, it wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t fast. But I ran. I started dead last, it was a choice. I passed a girl on the hill and stayed ahead, so I wasn’t dead last anymore.

Funny thing happened as I closed on the finish line. That girl I passed was walking with her buddy ahead of me. She must have skipped the third time up the hill. They would sprint up ahead every time I closed in. Her friend was so very high school about it too, snarky looks and whispering best left behind in middle school. They did beat me by a few seconds. I wouldn’t have cared but the attitude annoyed me, so did the cheating.

I realize this isn’t a big “race” and she was only cheating herself. Blah, blah, blah. In all honesty they were half my age they should have beat me. I was pretty sure I was going to come in last before I got there. After all it is a snowy winter day, not a race most newbies would show up for. But to be beaten like that? Childish and cheating? Ugh!

But I finished, I did it. I ran! There are those who asked why the 5 mile run when there was a 1 mile option? Because cancer is an endurance race not a sprint. My sister doesn’t get to say, I only feel like fighting a miles worth. She and others like her are in for the long haul, they don’t get to turn back and walk home. DNF is acceptable. So even if I walk, collapse or crawl. I cannot quit. I will not quit.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Added a name to my racing jersey today

This last Sunday I got an email from the IT Manager of my work informing us that he is taking a 90 day leave of absence to deal with his Pancreatic Cancer. Now I really don't know what the pancreas is or what it even does for certain. But I get the gist of Cancer. It Sucks!

I think of all the dreams I had growing up. I think about all those things I still want to accomplish. My dreams for my children, their dreams and goals. What my grandbabies want to be when they grow up. Guess what? Odds are greater we will get cancer than accomplish those things.

I call BS, I say F* Cancer!

I added Dave's name to my racing jersey today. I am my sister's runner, but that doesn't mean I don't run for my brothers too.  On the right side of my blog is a big orange button that says "donate now". Don't push it yet. That button will take you to a fundraising page for My Sister's Runner team. No money goes to me or through me, it is all directly sent to Stand Up 2 Cancer. For a donation of $25 I will put the name of whomever you would like to honor on my racing jersey for the whole year. I am attaching ribbons with the names to the back, so I can wash without dorking up the names. I am also hoping to grab attention for cancer research by looking like a superhero with all these mini capes flapping in the wind.

Still don't push yet. There is another option. You can join the team. Run where you are. Run races to raise awareness for cancer research. Design a page and get others to donate if you would like. Or donate per training mile and racing mile. Do what your heart and pocket book allow.

Ok, push it now! Still thinking? I have 2 sons, 4 daughters, 3 sisters, a mother, father and husband. 2 of the men and 3 of the women in my life will get cancer. My sister and mother already have.

1:2 men

1:3 women


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Running with chronic ___________

So I have started this post a couple times. But I always shut it down before I get too far in. I keep feeling like either a jerk or a martyr. But I really want to put out there what it is like to get off your bum when you are not a born athlete and you have a strike or two against you in the body department.

I don't think I am a great authority on the subject. I certainly have not crossed a finish line with stage 4 cancer, or run a marathon on my hands. I am not that incredible or inspiring, I am truly humbled by those who are.

I love this man, don't know who he is. But he is awesome!
But what I am is a work in progress. Incredibly human with a body flawed by disease, diet, and lifestyle. I am bound and determined to change all that, but I am finding that it can be more of a struggle than I had planned. I also think there are more mortals out there like me, struggling to break bad habits and embrace our own inner greatness.

I really feel like I have no excuse not to try. Yes, I live with chronic pain and fatigue. Yes, I have less than perfect kidney function and take 3 pills a day to keep my blood pressure in a normal range. BUT I don't have cancer, I am not on dialysis, I am not bed ridden, I am not dying today. And guess what, the best way to avoid all those things is to get off my butt and change my lifestyle and diet. (I repeat this paragraph to myself regularly. I tend to need regular kicks in the bum.)

I love to run. I love the way it feels after the second mile in, when everything shuts off. I struggle with starting the first mile. I have a tendency to let my aches and pains get in the way. The cold weather is really hard, I am so stiff and sore. Treadmill? Forget it, I get so bored that it becomes physically painful, weird I know.

I keep thinking I can catch up on the weekends. Problem is Saturday is grocery day. By the time I am done with that I am exhausted. 3-4 hours of combat shopping wears a girl out. Sunday forget it. It is all I can do to get dressed and make dinner before everyone comes over.

But I learned something this week. As I went on my impromptu trail run. Training Plans/Schedules like treadmills suck. At least for me. Instead of doing less than the scheduled run I skip if I can't do it all in the time I have available. Sometimes my time availability is dictated by the clock, by my family needs but most often by what my body can handle. So I am tossing out the training plan. I am replacing it with my plan, for the next few weeks I will run 30 min a day 3 days a week, and 60 minutes on weekend. Weekend runs will be tossed aside for races however.

One size doesn't fit all. Maybe this post didn't end up so much about my aches and pains. Never fear, I am sure that those posts will be just as plentiful here.

Meanwhile I will continue to rack up miles because... I don't have cancer. But someone I love does.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Trail Running

My house from the trail last spring

Last night I did it, I took my first tentative strides of the year toward off road adventure of the year. I went trail running. To be honest in the interest of staying upright there was a fair amount of walking.

It started off as any regular week night run. Dega and I trotting along in some freshly fallen slush. Next thing I know my crazy feet are taking me to the banks of the Mendenhall River in the shade of the Tongass National Forest. The slush gave the trail a bit more traction than a few days ago. The previous rain and freeze had left the packed snow more suitable for bum skating than running.

Did you know you can get a cramp in the arch of your foot? I didn't before, but thanks to the mini "potholes" in the snow now I do. The trail was very lumpy and bumpy with just enough slick to make this terminal klutz question whether it might not be better to just slide home on my bum. Dega could channel his inner sled dog.

While I did not do the mileage I had planned, I think I did the time. Not sure somewhere along the run my Garmin ran out of juice. I think it may be a bit early for this girl to be a regular on the trails, I really can't afford to be sidelined because I have delusions of athletic prowess. I committed to run a race every month in 2013 for cancer, for my sister.  

I think my downfall was seeing all these great spring postings. Amazing views pumping up the joys of a trail run. I felt inspired. Excited. I am fortunate enough to live in a National Forest, seriously on two sides of my yard there are signs marking the boundary. There are paths that connect to the trails on both sides. I cannot tell you how cool it was to come out of the trees into my back yard. It was like being a little kid again descending from the "woods" of the vacant lot next door.

While I may not be hitting the trail again tonight, I think I may be hitting them again sooner than later. I live in an amazing place. I have the luxury of having trails right outside my door. Who wouldn't want to run them? Besides, Dega doesn't have to be on leash back there. Just gotta watch out for black bears. Ahh Spring can't come too soon.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Middle aged running partner

When you get to be my age runners fit into generally one of two groups

#1 Lifetime Athletes - This group has run 5 days a week since high school. They rack up mileage like my kids stream data. They have a 10k pr that looks more like my 5k.

#2 Runfors - This group is more common. They run for the bathroom, for the buffet, for the sales table. This is also that group that I am a former member of, think I still have my membership card.  

So what is a relative newbie like myself to do? I had a running partner for a bit, but our schedules stopped meshing.

I found a new running partner, Dega, my dog. He doesn't expect me to hold an intelligent conversation. There are no awkward silences while I try and catch my breath.  That leash around my waist keeps him from out distancing me, or putting me into cardiac arrest trying to keep up. At the end of a tiring long run I can always count on him to pull me home.

He does want to stop a lot when we head out, but the leash works there too. I keep it short and keep moving. He is learning potty breaks are when he is off leash at home. I think I might keep the leash even if I find a human running partner... hmm

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Calendars, races & goals

I love filling up my monthly calendar with races. I feel so accomplished and athletic. Who would have thought?

Last month there was only one local race and I was slated to be out of town, so I signed up for 3 virtual races. Not just one, but 3 and I ran them all. Picked up some new bling and bibs.  While I may not have racked up huge mileage, I did rack up some major self esteem points.
Funny thing happened while I was filling my March calendar. I discovered that the cut and color I have been waiting 3 months for, it is the same day as a race. So like any busy self aware woman, I had to make a choice. Sadly, my hair got waitlisted and my roots will have to make do with L'Oreal for another 3 months. But a girl's gotta run. Who wouldn't rather run 5 miles uphill?
There may not be any bling races this month. But I will be running my first race over a 5k for the year. I will also be running my first non-virtual (dare I say real life) race. I did run the Les Williams Memorial 5k in January, awesome, with others. But it had a virtual component, what with all those amazing people across the globe running and walking with us. I hope they have a old parent section for the 10k. It is a fundraiser for the track team and I am worried about getting trampled.
I am terribly ambitious, so I have set 3 goals for myself.

#1 Finish
#2 Don't finish last

#3 PR


March Line Up